Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rock Climbing

Informercial Boy in the Making

My boy has seen exercise as a part of my lifestyle his entire life. He currently plays lacrosse, it will be his third season this year, as well as skating, Sportball, etc. He could balance on the BOSU at 2 years old, likes to show me his yoga moves and loves boxing videogames.

I caught him on camera experimenting with a few of my tools, and I can see him working up to a video or infomercial in the future. He loves to show his friends what I show him, and I've even stopped in at the school to do a little talk about exercise. When I drop him off at his Sportball program he tells me that he's going in for his workout :) I hope I've set a good example and that he'll consider exercising to be a very important part of a happy life!

Fitness In Fort Lauderdale

August is a time for fitness pros to relax, reflect and recuperate. Our clients tend to be away, we have the largest international fitness convention to attend in Toronto and we look forward to a "new year" starting for many as we get "back to school". This past year I was lucky enough to head down to Fort the middle of a tropical storm! Five windy days watching tumultuous waters and dark clouds, but we still made time to fit fitness in.

Jogging along the beach in Florida is gorgeous, the sand enhances the sense of relaxation, the water is calming. Along the strip in Fort Lauderdale there were many fitness enthusiasts out, including joggers, walkers, roller bladers, people biking and of course, boogie boarders and body surfers. Tropical storm and hurricane weather is great for water sports such as these because the rougher the water the bigger the waves!

Some days we chose to use the fitness centre, but we also got out to run a couple of times as well. The most interestingly dressed person was a fit man in his late forties who we saw joggin 3 a thong! He seemed happy enough, even looked us in the eye and said, "Good morning!". HHHmm! He's gutsier than I am, but good for him!

It's wonderful how recuperative a little sun and sand can be, I think we would all agree that we would have more active lifestyles if we just had more tolerable weather. What better excuse to get away a few times a year? I hope to write soon about a fitness getaway of my own, why not?