This fun event was sold out, which is a fantastic statement about local support for this cause. We raised over a million dollars overall! I hope you can join Imagine Fitness in our climb next year.
When I decided to participate in this event, I picked up David Suzuki's autobiography. I remember watching "The Nature of Things" when I was a kid and finding the show (and the host) so interesting. David is now in his 70's and he looks amazing! I found it disturbing to hear so many stories about the alarming evidence of global warming, with many indications being ignored since the '70's. It's a great read from someone I remember from childhood, and I recommend it as being relevant to the issue we hear so much about: climate change. You see his well-known face on commercials, the side of buses, radio commercials, so let's take those ideas and fight global warming.
If you'd like to support this cause, go to http://www.wwf.ca/ to sponsor me or donate in general, or see www.davidsuzuki.org to see what else you and your family can do. Let's help our environment, which we need to protect both for ourselves and our kids.