How is muscle testing done? We simply use the strength of the body and how it related to the item being tested to determine whether the body accepts or rejects it. Using an accurate, non-invasive and painless method of analysis, even children feel comfortable with. I recently took my 7 year-old in for an appointment to clear his stressor symptoms (stuffy nose and constipation) and we found out that he was reacting to dairy ( I knew that just needed confirmation to convince us all to take him off dairy) but surprisingly he was also also finding citrus a stressor(which he consumed every day as OJ or Five Alive) as well as shellfish (we had no idea). He now has normal BMs for the first time in his life (it's not funny when a little guy has man-size poops!) and his nasal congestion is gone. We used Biofeedback Analysis to do the testing, which is a scientific method to detect stressors using one's own muscle strength and the static electricity present in the body. For kids we use surrogate testing, so my boy and I held hands through the test to find his sensitivities.
I didn't consider myself to have stressors and you may not either. If you don't experience the common symptoms such as cough, wheezing, watery itchy red eyes, sneezing or runny nose, you may identify with these other symptoms possibly related to stressors:
- Headache or migraines
- Arthritis
- Digestive disorders
- Memory loss
- Fatigue
- Hemorrhoids
- Acne, rash or hives
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Learning disabilities
- Nightly urination
- Gas or bloating
- Abdominal cramps
- Restless sleep or insomnia
- Bad breath or body odor
- Phobias
- Tickle in throat or scratchy throat
- Depression or mood swings
- Weight gain
- Lose unwanted weight
- Increase your tolerance to foods and other environmental substances
- Improve Immune system functioning
- Eliminate unpleasant symptoms
- Increased energy
- Enjoy a less restricted lifestyle
- Live happier and healthier
Our new office is located within e-Spot at the following address, right off the QEW just north on Trafalgar:
353 Iroquois Shore Road,
Suite 200
Oakville, ON L6H 1M3
Just off QEW at Trafalgar, above Artisano’s Bakery & Cafe.
Please call me at (905)483-1024 to book your appointment. I will be posting testimonials over the next few weeks so watch for that, it's amazing!