Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lonely Running

At the beginning of 2007 I set about determining my goals for the year. One of my fitness goals was to complete a half-marathon, which is 21 kilometres. A reasonable goal for a fitness professional like myself...

I began talking about doing a long run in the fall of '06. As I was chatting with one of the members at the club I was managing I said that I thought that I might try to do a half-marathon. She looked me right in the eye and said, "Stop thinking about it and just do it!". Why not? So overcoming my fear of failure I committed to a training program that week and stepped up the running over the winter. I started saying, "I'm running the half in Ottawa on May 27th". I bought some new gear, started planning my trip, called my aunt who lives in Ottawa to tell her I was coming to visit. I mentioned it to my clients, secretly hoping that someone might join me.

That weekend finally arrived. Conditions were beautiful through the city, it wasn't hot like it had been the previous year. I rose on Sunday morning and headed over to the start/finish line. A staff member at the Running Room had suggested that I bring a long-sleeve T-shirt to keep my warm until race-time and then to throw it down and people would collect them. OK...As I stood there waiting for the horn to blow, I felt proud to be accomplishing a major goal in my adult life. I felt fantastic, I had completed my training totally injury-free, I was prepared physically and mentally. I had my tunes, my belt, the right shorts, shirt, bra, Bodyglide, etc. Gels were packed, so was the water. I was ready. What was missing? Someone to share my triumph with, to enjoy my accomplishment with. It was bitter-sweet noticing that after months of work and prep, everyone else seemed to be standing with their partner or group, laughing, enjoying themselves, and I was fiddling with my shoelaces, killing time before the start of the race.

The rain misted above us, the day was perfect for running. I started slowly, not sure what to expect. I had a smile on my face and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience but one of the nicest moments through that run was when a total stranger noticed that I was looking at my feet and said, "Go Sarah-You're looking great!" Accomplishment is wonderful, but having people there to share that experience with you is even better!

I hope you might choose to join our group in Ottawa this May as we run towards our own goals in the 5K, 10K and half-marathon distances.

