Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lose 20-60lb or more in 20-60 days!!! hCG WORKS!

I've recently seen a friend of mine drop 40lb in 6 weeks and I want to help others do the same. I was skeptical when I first heard about the hCG diet, it's a very low calorie diet (VLCD) that helps people who have a large weight loss goal accomplish what they need to in the short term and helps set them up for long term success.

The drops are used for 26 days (lose 20-30lb), 43 days (lose 30-40lb) or up to 60 days in a cycle (lose 35-60lb). This is done in strict adherence to a specific diet based on the work of Dr. Simeons.

Keep in mind, with the Imagine Fitness program you will be supported with regular meetings to accurately track your progress and keep you motivated to stay on track. You'll need support to stick to it, but we can help you and you will see amazing result! Also, injections are NOT required, our program uses sub-lingual drops 6 times per day. Painless, simple and super effective for those who need to see immediate results to stay on track. This program works best for clients who need to lose at least 20lb up to 50lb or more in 60 days (that's only 2 months!).

Check out this link to see what's being said about hCG:

The hCG diet is balanced, unlike many extreme "fad" diets out there. It consists of a healthy variety of protein, vegetables and fruit, with a small amount of starch. You eat them in specific portions and combinations as outlined by Dr. Simeons.

  • Allowed proteins are veal (low grade), beef (95% lean whole cuts), chicken breast (boneless, skinless), crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp, and any fresh, white-fleshed fish.
  • Allowed vegetables are asparagus, beet greens, cabbage, celery, chard, chicory greens, cucumber, fennel, green salad, onion, red radishes, spinach, and tomato.
  • Allowed fruits are apples, strawberries, oranges, and grapefruit. Limited starches include grissini (breadstick) or Melba toast. Vegetarian protein substitutions (may slow weight loss) are a protein shake, soy patty, egg (1 whole + 3 egg whites), cottage cheese or fat-free milk.
What foods are permitted on the hCG diet?

At least 2 litres of water each day.

Tea and black coffee in unlimited quantities are also permitted.

According to Dr. Simeons protocol, only Stevia, Xylitol or saccarin should be used for sweeteners.

In addition to that, 500 calories each day is made up of the following:


1 grisini or fat free melba toast and choice of 1 fruit (such as apple, orange, 1/2 grapefruit, or 6 large strawberries)

Lunch and Dinner:

100 grams of very low fat beef, veal, chicken, white fish, lobster, or shrimp, and 100 grams of one of the following vegetables - onion, tomato, celery, cucumber, spinach, or green lettuce (there are more protein and vegetable options listed on the actual directions)


1 grisini or fat free melba toast and choice of 1 fruit (listed above).

It is ideal to vary your fruit, vegetable and protein sources daily, rather than eat the same foods each meal or each day. It is also recommended to eat your fruit at least 6 hours apart.

If you would like more information about our new hCG program that's supported with our accurate fat loss tracking program please e-mail

